STEM Education Toys – Explore Your Children’s Talents

STEM is the acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Psychologists point out STEM education toys encourage children to develop their abilities in some core areas in an enjoyable way. Study shows that children who enjoy the STEM game often go on to study them at the university level.

What the expert say about STEM games & toys?

STEM education should begin early on, and must be offered in earlier school to prepare students for future education.There is a need to make STEM topics seem approachable and enjoyable, so that children do not fear these subjects.Using STEM education toys help children gain confidence while vanquishing the myth of math and sciences being “hard”.STEM toy set can spark children’s imaginations and stimulate their curiosity.

STEM Education
What STEM can do for your children?
What STEM can do for your children

What STEM can do for your children?

STEM teach the children to understand and solve the specific scientific problems occurring in everyday life. STEM provide an approach to learning that asks children to solve real-world problems through inquiry-based problem solving, hands-on experimentation, trial and error, and self-discovery. The three disciplines of science, engineering, and mathematics are clearly defined and understood. In STEM, technology is broadly defined to mean practical innovation—that is, designing and using materials and tools to help solve a specific problem. 

There is "A" amazing component in the STEAM

The STEAM set is the STEM set with an component of art to the interdisciplinary mix.Art can be incorporated through traditional means of drawings or paintings. By incorporating art into scientific exploration and discovery, children can develop the right (creative) side of the brain to help develop creative problem-solving skills and flexible thinking. This unique artist design part in the set can be customized by your children.

What is the benefits of playing with STEM education toys?

  • Develop children’s abilities in an enjoyable way
  • Obtain basic knowledge of science
  • Improve fine and gross motor skills
  • Gain problem-solving skills
  • Boost children’s confidence in the later years
  • Imbibe creativity from a young age
  • Built interpersonal skills
  • Enhance creative thinking and imagination 
  • An opportunity to explore children’s talent
  • A fun journey of learning
  • A fantastic family time 
What is the benefits of playing with STEM games & toys?

Check what they say about STEM education toys

Great kit to explore the engineering process”–by Mark Chisholm on September 23, 2020

Comments: This is a great set to introduce or extend knowledge of the engineering process. So far, we have my students have used it to build bridges and ziplines. It is still new to them so that is all we have done to date, but they really enjoy it!

“Great for a little smart kid”–by Tarynne A on March 19, 2019

Comments: STEM teaches children basic knowledge about force and motion. As an engineer myself I do support and recommend this type of a tool. Great for kids that are learning and want to build their own games and apps. Highly recommended.

Great educational kid’s gift”–by Pathetic VL on July 07, 2019

Comments: It is so much fun in this bundle. I love the art design car and I customize it with my kids. They love it and I’m even learning along with them. We have a wonderful family time with STEAM. It may be the best value gift I’ve ever bought my kids.

How does PSB STEM toy set work?

In the PSB STEM toy set, there will be 10 double-sided cards in every set of toys. Each card, based on the scientific method, follows the same format: it begins with a real-world problem to solve, followed by a prediction, hands-on experimentation, and data collection, and ends with children drawing a conclusion about their findings. The end of each activity offers yet another opportunity to incorporate science, technology, engineering, math, or art. Because children at this age are emergent readers, the cards are intended to be read by an adult to direct, guide, and prompt the child along the way. Of course, this won’t stop them from toppling that tower of blocks or revving a car down the ramp during experimentation!

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