Customized workout plans

        Customized your dream workout plans


We are new fitness named PSB Fitness, our location is in the HMC and Davis Campuses of Sheridan College. PSB Fitness founded by two PSB graduates, one is Jessi, she is a fitness instructor who has 7 years’ experience. Matt is a certified personal trainer with 5 years’ experience and 15 existing clients. For the price of members, we have some plan, which is $75 per month/ $850 for a year. (Sheridan college students will have 9% discount) In these two plans we have 3 days free trial. We provide a personalized fitness program for everyone, Customizing workout plans according to each individual’s exercise needs and habits. We also offer “Social workout”, you can make some friends through this. For this, we have friends/couple workout, which is a special class that you can workout with your friends and couple together. In addition to this, we provide special music workout. We will design a special workout plan according to your music playlists.

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Workout with Anything You Want

Come PSB Fitness to find your dream work out plan

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